Well I will say I am doing well and then something jumps up and slaps you in the face and makes you reevaluate how far you have to go for full healing. Just this past week a person I am mildly acquainted with who has a pretty good income was having issues concerning his heart. He fought with the idea of having treatment and was so cavalier about taking care of himself as if it were a mere ant bite. When I first heard this, it took everything in my power not to scream at him and slap him in the face and shake him silly. If you have the access to healthcare, why not use it? My husband didn’t have such a luxury and because of his preexisting condition was denied it so we paid out of pocket. This also meant no premium health care for him at the end and sometimes I think this maybe could have helped give him a few more years. Yes I know what I believe, God has a time for all of us, but we also have other things at our disposal to help us.
Okay I didn’t say any of that to this man, and I will let him live his life because it is his decision not mine to make but I was shocked at my reaction to his behavior. It caused me to cry and get in a gnarly mood as anger crept in silently and I had nowhere to run and had to confront it. I am angry with Steve for not doing all he could humanly do to keep from having another heart attack and not for allowing me to help. I am mad at him for committing legal suicide. Okay so that is a dramatic statement to make, but I have felt that and still do a little bit despite my inner knowing that God is in control. It is my attempt at taking back the reigns one more time and saying with eyes closed, one eye peeking and shrugging my shoulders saying to God “Right?” Wow anger bubbled up again where it had been so flooded with joy. The fountain which flows is one of fire and water and I feel both at the same time.
I know God is in control and things happen in right time and right season, but I always ask what is our part in keeping our temple clean. How does God look at it? I get confused sometimes because I know God is good, I know all things happen for the good of those who love and serve the Lord. But how does illness, play a part in our faith and beliefs. In my lay person terminology if a diabetic is great Christian, loves everyone, does everything in her church and lives a beautiful faith filled life, but continues to gorge on candy and soda pop, is she being obedient or considered rebellious or does it fall under gluttony? Okay so I have no answers, and I am really not trying to judge anyone and not pointing this particular scenario to any one person, since my husband had heart issues and diabetes so it is safe for me to speculate and play what ifs. I have high cholesterol, should I be eating any fried foods ever? May I indulge once a week/month or year? Which makes me most obedient to God’s plans for my life?
I have to do some more soul searching on this issue so these small matters don’t trigger any more stupid anger or tears. I never want to judge a person and that is basically what I did and for that I am ashamed, but more than that, I am driven to find out the answer for my trigger. I have an idea and it is good to feel it to deal with it again I guess. It is fascinating this stupid healing layering system little bit at a time. I get so frustrated because I want to be more in control and this where my conflict really lies. I want to be such a big girl about all of this.
So here goes, Steve I forgive you for any stupid decisions that you made which may have contributed to your health issues. I forgive you for not involving me in those health decisions that affected our relationship. We were married, we two became one and you took matters of us into your hands only. I am angry about that and I forgive you. Forgive me for contributing to stress in your life which may have led you to those poor decisions about our lives. Forgive me for not seeing that you maybe weren’t feeling well and I forgive you for hiding that from me. Oh God, you know our hearts, and you know the things hidden there. Let me release all this and forgive the man I loved for 30 years for abandoning me. Whether selfish or selfless, I was mad about him hiding his health issues from me, and for leaving me here without him. I need release and I need to forgive.
And as I type this tonight I get a text from my daughter in law that little Steven Beau has sent her to the hospital with contractions 2 weeks early. Do you think we might have a baby tonight? I don’t know but it is just like Steve to push an issue involving healing with something so beautiful and precious. And yes I know God is the one pushing so is that an attribute of God? Pushing? Yes I think so. Sigh, I still have a lot of growing up to do don’t I?
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