Saturday, January 29, 2011

Stewing and Screwing

So my daughter calls me this afternoon and asks me the same old question “What cha doin mom?” And I reply with the only honest answer I know to give her at the moment as I put down my battery operated screwdriver and say “screwing”. She inhales sharply before letting out a grossed out “Mom” moan and I proceed to tell her to take her mind out of the gutter, what else do you call it. I have been screwing the last two days and will continue to screw some tomorrow as I finish putting my cabinets back together, vents back into place and whatever else needs screwing in this house!!! I am so tired of screwing and painting and am now ready to move onto the next big adventure. Don’t know what that will be yet, probably boring but hopefully not as taxing on my hands. Excessive screwing with such a heavy screwdriver causes severe cramps in your hands, did you know that?
I have also been stewing today as in stewing about having to do all this stuff and decided since I haven’t cooked myself a good meal in months, I had a craving for beef stew. Do you think it was subliminal, me stewing and craving stew? Who cares it was very good, and it felt good to cook something. I have mostly been eating frozen from my freezer, canned or cereal. I forget about meals while I am busy, so usually I look for quick and easy. Today I decided it would be a rest day, but I ended up screwing and stewing instead.  Maybe I will rest tomorrow; it is the Lord ’s Day so I will give it to Him.
The first half of this day was spent in bed talking on the phone this morning.  I guess it was call Renee free day because the people called me and it was good to catch up. I think my son called because he read yesterday’s blog or status about crying UNCLE. He was checking on me I guess. I enjoyed my visits this morning and also a visit online with an old friend I hadn’t seen or heard from in nearly 40 years I think. It was fun catching up and connecting with a blast from the past. Guilt being my greatest motivator right now, I got up after lounging in my bed all morning and started putting the hinges back on my cabinets then the draw pulls. I was really enjoying hanging some of them but had to stop screwing when I realized I needed another person to help hold the heavy cabinets in place for me. That is when the stewing really began because of boredom and the need for sustenance so now I don’t have to cook again for a week.
So boy howdy I have had a fun day, so relaxing my hands are feeling better not as sore, and ready to begin again on Monday. Tomorrow I will find better ways to spend my time than cooking and thinking about how much this stinks. Life is so exciting right now I can’t wait to have fun again. I don’t like strictly business and I don't like being angry about all this I have to do. I don't like stewing about how my life could have, should have been and I seem to be reminded of it with each screw I screw and each wall I paint. I want to either fast forward or rewind my life, can't say which right now, but I don't like the play button. What play?

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