Sunday, June 10, 2012

Swapping Paint

Well woof woof, yippee and hooray. I have disproved the saying “You can’t teach and old dog new tricks”.  I have learned and am continuing to learn so much at my work that I actually got a raise. I was also told learning new things increases your brain cells so I guess I am just moving on up by leaps and bounds. It really is pretty exciting for me since most people seem to be preparing for retirement at my age when I am just starting to work. I guess I will have to live to 100 to get retirement for me, but at least I am having fun and exceeding my expectations. God is so good to me because it can’t be me learning and adapting at this pace since it is an extremely face paced environment where I work but such a joy to be there.

I think my life may be starting to get interesting again. I can’t put my finger on it but I joined a singles Bible study and funny thing, we are learning to Cajun line dance. I know funny goofy but it is nice clean fun. Of course I only went to one teaching of it and feel like a klutz, but so does everyone else so I am in good company. Why is this in my life right now? Who knows who cares but it is good safe fun with nice people so I am expanding my circle of friends finally and that is good for me.  I am fortunate to be able to visit with my newlywed son and his beautiful bride next weekend when they come visit for their “baby moon” Yeah I know silly term for “Quiet before the storm” when little Steven Beau makes his appearance in August. I had so much fun shopping for him for his shower next weekend. He will be so spoiled.

I love meeting new people and interacting in their lives even if it is for a small amount of time.  It seems I am in process of doing this at my job and outside of it as my circle expands. I am emerging from my cloistered life as wife/mother/widow and making my way out into a new life. It is nice to “swap paint” with so many new people. I know that is usually not a good term because it means you may have been in a car accident but God had shown me a long time ago a small teaching about chance meetings being like small accidents/incidents/coincidences in our daily lives. We meet for a brief period of time and as we interact we swap stories, names, smiles, and even our pain that so much goes on in such a brief time, before we know it we leave a mark. This means that whatever chance encounter we had has the potential to be a memory for either or both or us forever. We are the canvas and God is always working in our lives, creating a living breathing work of art to display in His heavenly gallery. The more paint we have I think, the more interesting the artwork. So how fun is it to have so much more paint and texture in my life.  Wanna swap paint with me?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great, Renee! Am so happy for you that things (work, friends, family) are going good.....
    it is God, alive and well in you, my sister!! As always, in the good times and the hard times, too. love you, girl! You go and swap lots of paint.....beautiful!
